How WE Serve Our Sisters

Martin Luther King said: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. 

Whether you’re an executive, manager of teams, educator or student, my approach to anti-racism and discrimination is quite simple and straightforward. I teach on the basis of humanity and empathy, to help you navigate the nuances of diversity and to identify and overcome your own prejudicial tendencies and biases. My sessions offer fundamental insights and practical tools that executives, staff members, employees and students can begin to implement right away, to promote inclusion and belonging within their environments. 

It’s both my pleasure and honor to acknowledge Moy Fung for joining our “Managing Workplace Diversity & Inclusion panel discussion” at our 2022 World Diversity in Leadership Conference held in Edmonton Alberta. Moy’s candid style, in-depth knowledge on the subject matter, as well as her humor won over our global audience. I recommend her to any company or organization out there looking for support in their Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Journey.

Patrick Arthur, Senior Cyber Security Specialist at the City of Edmonton

I had the absolute privilege to hear Moy deliver a compelling presentation on authentic leadership, strong ethics and collaborative approaches at Developing Young Leaders of Tomorrow, Today (DYLOTT)’s Black Diplomats Academy this past March. Moy’s ability to engage and connect with her audience is an undoubtable strength, which enables her to deliver her message with confidence and compassion. Thank you Moy for an amazing session of authentic and professional leadership development with this year’s cohort of the Black Diplomats Academy!


Candies Kotchapaw, Black Diplomats Academy Founder